Education in Indonesia again tarnished. A high school principal SMU 28 Riau, Batam
suspected of sexual abuse to his 14 students. The principal named Herizon reported to the police
because of sexual harassment by pretending to check the virginity of the victims. Parents who accompany their daughters to the police looked hysterical. To this time, the victims are traumatized and unwilling to see Herizon.
The sexual abuse were done inside and outside the school environment. Advisory Committee of SMU 28, Amril said that immoral case was conducted by Herizon about a month ago. In order to carried out his action, Herizon first looked for some information about his students' mistakes. The victims then were called to his office and Herizon started to talk about "The weaken of victim's marks in some subjects, dating, wearing shorts, and another issues," said Amril. When the victims' psychology were intimidated, Herizon then asked about the virginity while abusing his students by fondling parts of their body. When the answer was a virgin, the victim's skirt then opened to ensure the correctness of the answer. Students who pleaded not a virgin then invited into Herizon's car and taken to the bushes to satisfy his depraved lust. The victims can do nothing, because they are afraid of Herizon. "Probably, threatened," said Amril.
The incidents came to light when one of the victims told what was going through to a friend. Her friend then told the victim's parents. The victim's mother who happened to be a Secretary of the School Committee raised the issue to the meeting and urged the committee to take a serious action.
Department of Education through the deputy mayor of Batam, Rudi stated that Herizon is dismissed from his position as a principal. Herizon denied that he had sexually harassed his students. However, from the results of the medical examination found evidence that there has been violence on the genitals of two victims. Some people who is angry about the incident were looking for Herizon to chasten him, but the police quickly brought Herizon to the police district of Barelang, Batam for the investigation. People urge the law enforcement institutions to take deep actions over the incident.
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